Life Groups

Connect, Nurture, Grow

Life groups are where life happens together at the Haven Church. 

If your spiritual life needs a refuel, a vitamin shot or a defibrillator… our best advice… join a life group!!

REST HOME SINGING - Our aim is to share the gospel to the Rest homes and to the Nelson Community through hymns and songs of hope and faith, and to remind people that Jesus loves them and is coming back soon. Anyone who loves praising God and sharing His message through songs are welcome! Before rest home singing, the group normally shares a simple finger food lunch. Leader: William Manu

DOING LIFE TOGETHER - Our vision is to be a supportive forum for spiritual growth, a safe place to explore different ideas practical to our life with God. We meet for around 2 hrs on a Tuesday nights (7:30pm -9:30pm). We use books of the bible or books by christian authors as a platform for growth, in meetings which are sharing based rather than a 'study' or debate. We value an atmosphere of caring respect where people of different views, experiences and stages in their journey with God can be comfortable and encouraged. New attendees must be invited by a member of the group, speak to one (eg Marty, Wayne, Nicqui) if you are interested. Leader: Kim Hurlow

SEW MUCH FUN - A group for women wanting to learn to sew or help others sew. Hopefully starting to meet soon. Leader: Alison Shaw

MEN’S MONDAY GROUP - This group meets Monday’s for lunch (noon-1:30pm) They welcome any men (church or community) who are keen to get together on Mondays to catch up, share, and network while having lunch at various locations in Nelson. It is also a supportive forum for spiritual growth. New members are invited by the group. Leader: William Manu

EXPLORERS - We have an open home group for anyone who wants to come, held at Gloria and Michael’s house, on Douglas Road in Tahunanui, on Wednesdays 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Everyone can bring someone else along anytime without having to give notice. A home away from home, where you can feel free to come with questions that you want to discuss as we are the explorers and enjoy studying the Bible in depth. You will always be welcomed with a nice hot drink and a warm fire in the winter. Leader: Michael Hanselmann

WOMEN’S EXERCISE GROUP - Any women welcome to attend to do some fun exercise together in the seminar room @the Haven. Meets Mondays at 6pm for easy Zumba-style workout. Leader: Monique Stwart

WISE ONES - Wisdom, Inspire, Study, Encourage, One’s Home Group - Our Home Group is open to all ages. We meet in Richmond on Tuesdays from 11.30am for approximately one and a half hours. After the study of the Bible we have a potluck finger food lunch. Leader: June Cooper

CONQUERING MOUNTAINS - Meets Sundays 9am-noon for a mountain bike ride. If you are just starting out don’t let that put you off, you will need a bike though. Leader: Wayne Hurlow

SAMOAN SABBATH SCHOOL CLASS - If you are Samoan and would like to study the lesson in Samoan we have a Sabbath School class in the office at church. Saturdays 10am - 10:40am. Leader: Jeremiah Dempsey

TUESDAY PLAY AND CHILL OUT GROUP - A play and chill out group runs from our church hall on Tuesdays at 10am for anyone from church and community who has an infant/preschooler who wants to come and share some morning tea and a chat while the babies and kids play with a great range of toys. This an awesome service to our community and a great way to connect with them. Morning tea provided.

HUGS - HAVEN UNITED GIRLS - Women of our church and girl-friends are welcome to come and spend time together having fun and supporting each other. Women of all ages are welcome. Notice of meetings will be in bulletin or sent round email list. Leader: Gloria Hanselmann